It can feel a little overwhelming when your child enters high school. It becomes especially difficult when they have to choose the subjects they’ll be taking from Grade 10 to Grade 12. Just what is Economic and Management Sciences anyway? Here’s a quick round up of the high school subjects in the South African school system.
Economic and Management Sciences
(taken from Grade 8 to Grade 9)
EMS, as it’s known, is a subject that has elements of basic accounting, entrepreneurship, business and economics. The subject aims to encourage a sense of entrepreneurship in learners, as well as to give them a very basic understanding of common accounting documents that they are likely to come across in their lives. The subject also touches on overarching economic principles, such as supply and demand and GDP.
Learning style most likely to enjoy it: kinaesthetic learning style
Ace it! Economic and Management Sciences is available for Grade 8 and Grade 9, and also in Afrikaans
Social Sciences
(taken from Grade 8 to Grade 9)
A mixture of Geography and History, this is a basic introduction to South African and world history, and South African and world Geography. The subject promotes a sense of responsible citizenry and critical reading.
Learning style most likely to enjoy it: visual learning style
Natural Sciences
(taken from Grade 8 to Grade 9)
This subject is foundational Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The subject touches on life and living, environmental biology, electricity, work and power and more. It provides a good knowledge base for Life Sciences and Physical Sciences taken from Grade 10. Even if your learner doesn’t want to take science beyond Grade 9, this subject is valuable for understanding their world and their bodies.
Learning style most likely to enjoy it: visual learning style
Ace it! Natural Sciences is available for Grade 8 and Grade 9, and also in Afrikaans
(taken from Grade 8 to Grade 9)

This subject can be considered as a cross between woodwork and home economics. However, it’s much more that that. The subject aims to teach learners how design can solve everyday problems. Basic physics is incorporated as well as design skills (which relates to the design of actual products, as well as the design of presentations and proposals). This is a useful subject and learners with a kinaesthetic learning style will enjoy its hands-on approach.
Learning style most likely to enjoy it: kinaesthetic learning style
Ace it! Technology is available for Grade 8 and Grade 9, and also in Afrikaans
(compulsory in Grade 8 and 9; optional from Grade 10)
No introduction needed. The techniques may be slightly different, the textbooks updated but Maths is pretty much as it was when you did it in high school.
Learning style most likely to enjoy it: kinaesthetic learning style
Ace it! Mathematics is available for Grade 8 to Grade 12, and also in Afrikaans
Mathematical Literacy
(optional from Grade 10)
If your child decides not to take Mathematics from Grade 10, they will do Mathematical Literacy. This subject aims to give learners useful Maths and basic accounting skills that they will use throughout their lives. Important concepts covered include financial literacy (we could all use a bit more of that).
Learning style most likely to enjoy it: kinaesthetic learning style
Ace it! Mathematical Literacy is available for Grade 10 to Grade 12, and also in Afrikaans
Home Language
(compulsory throughout high school)
Currently, the only Home Languages available at high school level are English and Afrikaans. Learners focus on literature, speaking, writing and listening skills.
Learning style most likely to enjoy it: visual learning style, auditory learning style
First Additional Language
(compulsory throughout high school)

The language that your child takes for the FAL will depend on the school. The skills covered are pretty similar to HL but adapted to suit the level of a second-language speaker.
Learning style most likely to enjoy it: visual learning style, auditory learning style
Ace it! English FAL is available from Grade 8 to 12
Ace it! Afrikaans FAL is available from Grade 8 to 12
Ace it! IsiZulu FAL is available from Grade 10 to 12
Life Sciences
(optional from Grade 10)

This subject was previously known as Biology.
Learning style most likely to enjoy it: visual learning style
Ace it! Life Sciences is available from Grade 10 to 12, and also in Afrikaans
Physical Sciences
(optional from Grade 10)

This subject includes Physics and Chemistry.
Learning style most likely to enjoy it: visual learning style, kinaesthetic learning style
Ace it! Physical Sciences is available from Grade 10 to 12, and also in Afrikaans
(optional from Grade 10)

This subject is taught in a very practical way. Learners get plenty of opportunity to learn about and use the common Accounting ledgers. The theoretical side focuses on ethics and general accounting principles.
Learning style most likely to enjoy it: kinaesthetic learning style
Ace it! Accounting is available from Grade 10 to 12, and also in Afrikaans
Business Studies
(optional from Grade 10)

Along with Accounting, Business Studies is a natural extension of EMS. It looks at overarching economic concepts and how businesses operate within those constraints. The subject aims to promote entrepreneurship.
Learning style most likely to enjoy it: kinaesthetic learning style
Ace it! Business Studies is available from Grade 10 to 12, and also in Afrikaans
(optional from Grade 10)

As one of our most important industries, it’s no surprise that Tourism is a popular subject at high school level. Touching on many professions under the hospitality industry banner, this subject is quite theoretical. This subject plays nicely with Geography.
Learning style most likely to enjoy it: visual learning style, auditory learning style
Ace it! Tourism is available from Grade 10 to 12, and also in Afrikaans
(optional from Grade 10)

This subject is so much more than learning how to read a map. It touches on issues of population, settlement and environmental issues too. Updated to include advances in GPS and the latest environmental issues, this subject is a good option for your child for a wide variety of future career paths.
Learning style most likely to enjoy it: visual learning style
Ace it! Geography is available from Grade 10 to 12, and also in Afrikaans